Get Unlimited Real Time Business Leads Using MacroLeads

Enter a Keyword, Find Leads, Select Leads You Want, and Export or Email Them Automatically (Includes Optional Emailer that Integrates with Google Workspace)!

No Per Lead Charges! Updates daily! Get Email, Phone, Address, Business Name, URL, Links to Social Media, and More!

Get Started
Pick Any Keyword(s) to Search

Macroleads’ Features:

Instantly get nearly unlimited business leads at the touch of a button.

Search for leads by any keyword you want (local or worldwide / general — web based or physical based businesses).

Get top notch info on them like their business name, URL, email, address, phone, social media, and more.

Extra special feature to grab even more info from their social media.

Get literally millions upon millions of new leads with real time data updated daily!

Easily pick which leads you want or just do a new search, and then either export or email them with our included Business Emailer.


Macroleads allows you to search for, select, and email any leads it finds with a touch of a button! It even integrates with Google Workspace for top delivery through our built in Business Emailer!

Search for Leads

Simply enter any keyword(s) you want to find business leads of, and Macroleads will act just like a search engine but for leads! It will pull in all the information it can find like business name, site / URL, email(s), mailing address, phone number, social media links, and more!

Select Leads

Then simply select any of the leads that you want to reach out to. This allows you to only select the best of the best leads that you want! You can easily select them individually or do a “select all” on each page of results, which you can then choose to either export or mail through the included Business Emailer.

Email Sender / Integration

Macroleads includes our Business Emailer, which is designed to work with Google Workspace to get top email delivery and have the necessary compliance features like an opt-out link. Rather than try trickery that many email services attempt to block, we work with them through Google Workspace to do things the legit way to get the best delivery possible. Google Workspace allows you to email up to 2,000 leads a day through one account, while our included Business Emailer integrates with Google Workspace to make it even easier to add messages, queue them, etc..

Social Media Insights

Macroleads will not only pull information and links on leads’ social media presence, just like it does with other information (like name, email, phone, address, URL, etc.), but it’ll also then attempt to do a “deep dive” and collect more information from their social media profiles to get even better, more accurate data!

Purchase Macroleads

Just $2,997 / year!

Frequently Asked Questions

Are these legitimate leads?

Yes, as we’re not “buying” leads from some shady source or anything like that! Macroleads is essentially its own search engine built specifically for finding lead info for businesses, and it updates and adds new leads daily. It’s built in AI ensures that the businesses and leads are as legitimate as they can be!

How do I email these leads?

Not only can you easily export these leads to email them any way you want (even through your own email account manually), but we make it super easy by integrating with Google Workspace, which is owned and run by Google and starts at only $6 / month, with our included Business Emailer tool to make emailing through them super easy while still enjoying their top delivery services! So you can literally email them with a click of a button (up to 2,000 leads per day for a single Google Workspace account). You can then see replies and respond to them in whatever email account, like Gmail, that you setup your Google Workspace account with.

What info does each lead have?

Macroleads pulls as much information as it can on each lead, including email addresses, mailing address, phone, URL / site, social media links, and more. It can even do a deep dive to pull additional info from their social media and sites. Not all leads will have 100% of all that info, as not all businesses will have things like a physical location, phone number, social media, etc., but the vast majority will have at least a fair amount of that info.

How much do the leads cost?

There is no per lead cost! You pay your fees to access Macroleads and then don’t pay any additional per lead cost!

Is there anything else I need to buy to make this work or email the leads?

You don’t need to buy anything else, but we highly recommend, if you decide to email leads in bulk, to get Google’s cold email tool built into their Google Workspace, which is only $6 / month! Our included Business Emailer integrates with them to ensure you get top delivery while making emailing your leads super easy. But you don’t need to use them, as you could certainly email them with any other emailer, with your personal email account(s), or you can choose to contact them by other means like calling, physical mail, etc..

Are the emailers compliant?

Our built in emailer, which you can optionally use (or you can export the leads anywhere else you want), integrates with Google Workspace, which is Google’s tool to email cold leads, so they automatically include features to make it U.S. CAN SPAM compliant, like having an opt-out link. You’ll want to make sure to follow any other rules or the rules of your country depending on who you’re emailing and where you’re emailing from.

Are these old leads or are they new?

Macroleads searches for up to millions of new leads a day, just like a search engine grabs new sites every day, and the info is pulled straight from the sites that the businesses run, which makes the info very reliable. On top of that, our AI is used to weed through some obvious bad info, whether posted accidentally by the business (like a typo or filler). You can also filter through any leads you want by just not selecting them as well, so it’s the ultimate tool to handpick the best of the best leads if you so wish!

Is there full support and training?

Yes, we have full support and training available inside our members area. You can also reach our support at, who will always get back to you in one business day or less!

Are updates included?

Yes, we’re constantly improving Macroleads, and all updates are included for free as long as you’re a member!



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Commerce, GA 30529

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